Body Armor Vent

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Review of the I.C.E. Retro Fit Kit by Stone – N – Steel

EVAP Technology by Body Armor Vent

Body Armor Vent’s EVAP Technology

Body Armor Vent EVAP Technology™ is the patent-pending evaporation and ventilation technology found in all of our vent panels. Our I.C.E. and B-24 panels create a continuous air flow between your torso and your body armor.  Cool air is drawn in and hot, humid air is pushed out by your own breathing. This effective evaporative cooling, moving air over moisture, works just like your AC at home!

  • Our proprietary foam filled, vertical air channels force air flow upwards and also through horizontal vent holes to enable true evaporation of sweat from behind your armor.  This keeps your body’s temperature down in the summer and your body much drier and warmer in the winter.

The right Body Armor Vent panels for you!

We offer you choices in how you vent your body armor. Are you running a plate carrier or concealable vest? Check out the I.C.E. Retro Fit Kits. These Retro Fit Kits are design to fit any plate carrier or concealable vest on the market. If you looking to customize your vent or running a larger exterior armor kit, we suggest the B-24 Custom Fit Kits. Available in three sizes, Full Sheet, Half Sheet, or Quarter Sheet. The perfect choice for the elite operator looking to truly customize their kit. The B-24 Custom Fit Kit can be used on all your gear, thigh rigs, chest rigs, backpacks and much more.

Thank You…

As CEO of this great company, I get to hear about all the ways Body Armor Vent is helping change the lives for the people out there protecting our streets, our communities and our country domestically and abroad. I encourage you to spend some time and read what others have to say.

Thank you to all the men and women out there protecting us everyday at home and around the world!

— Erick | CEO | Body Armor Vent

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